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Minteng Motor is recruiting agents worldwide

About Minteng

It is one of the leading manufacturers of industrial permanent magnet motors with the most complete specifications of 380V-10kV and the most advanced technology of ultra-high-efficiency and energy-saving permanent magnet synchronous motors in China.


Recommended Catalog of National Industrial Energy Saving Technology and Equipment for three consecutive years from 2017 to 2019, Awarded the “China Standard Innovation Contribution Award” by the State Administration of Market Supervision in 2018, listed in the “Energy Efficiency Star” Product Catalog by MIIT in 2019 and 2021, listed in the fifth batch of Green Manufacturing List – Green Design Products by MIIT in 2020, and listed in the fifth batch of Green Manufacturing List – Green Design Products by MIIT. Green Manufacturing List – Green Design Products in 2020, China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award in 2021, National “Specialized, Specialized, Specialized and New” Small Giant Enterprises in 2023 by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Certificate of “Enterprise Standard Leader” in 2023; Certificate of Provincial Economy and Information Technology Department in 2018-2023, ”China Standard Innovation Contribution Award” by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In 2018-2023, the company was recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as one of the first sets of major technological equipment in Anhui Province, and 10 new products at the provincial level, and in 2019-2022, the company was listed in the “Five Hundred” Recommendation Catalogue of Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection in the Industrial Field of Anhui Province by the provincial Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, etc. The company has obtained 102 national intellectual property rights, of which 102 are national intellectual property rights. Obtained 102 national intellectual property rights, including 11 invention patents, 89 utility model patents and 2 software copyrights. Responsible for drafting 64 standards related to permanent magnet motors, including 13 national standards and 21 industry standards.

China permanent magnet motor raw materials and performance advantages.

The most important material for permanent magnet motors is NdFeB. Rare earth elements are known as “vitamins for industry”, with irreplaceable excellent magnetic, optical and electric properties, which play a great role in improving product performance, increasing product variety and improving production efficiency. China is the world’s largest country in rare earth resources reserves, not only rich reserves, and also has a complete range of minerals and rare earth elements, high grade rare earths and mine distribution and other advantages, for the development of China’s rare earth industry has laid a solid foundation. Along with the introduction of energy saving and emission reduction related policies around the world, the advantages of permanent magnet motors have gradually become more noticeable.

permanent magnet motor


Compared with asynchronous motors, rare earth permanent magnet motors have natural energy-saving advantages, including the following four points:

(1) High efficiency and energy saving. Unlike asynchronous motors, permanent magnet motors do not require excitation current in the rotor, which saves energy by about 5% to 30%.

(2) High power factor. The power factor of the motor is close to 1, which improves the quality factor of the power grid without the need to add power factor compensator.

(3) Rare earth permanent magnet motor structure is simple, low failure rate.

(4) Long life, maintenance-free, without reducer.

Attitude towards agents.

(1) 100% fulfillment of commitments and timely rebates: In the perfect system and strict company management, Minteng has formed a more complete agent cooperation model. The rights and interests of both parties are equal, and the commitment to the agent is honored 100%, the rebate is timely and belongs to a higher level in the industry.

(2) Mingteng help agents long-term solid and sustainable development: all along, Mingteng adhering to the integrity of the first heart of the importance of cooperation, and many organizations in the industry to reach a cooperation, and maintain good relations for a long time.

(3) Minteng fully protects the rights and interests and resources of agents: after years of trials and tribulations, Minteng has formed a more perfect model of cooperation with agents, and always adhere to the mutual respect, fairness and justice, and friendly cooperation with agents to reach a relationship. There is a protection system for the rights and resources of the agents, eliminating the internal rolls and malicious competition, encouraging the long-term, win-win cooperation mode.

Minteng has always believed in the power of the market channel, but also cherish the business partnership, over the years with the agents to maintain a sustainable relationship of cooperation, adhere to the sincerity of cooperation, and promote the integration of industry resources.

Anhui Minteng Permanent Magnet Electric&Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. is now recruiting agents worldwide, looking forward to cooperating with more people who are interested in joining the rare-earth permanent magnet motor industry, sharing the brand-new business opportunities, exploring the market together, and creating a new chapter of career with us!

Post time: Mar-22-2024